
Medical Assistant

Training Program

Credential(s) Offered

Industry certification

Method of Delivery

In Person

When offered

Daytime Hours, Evening Hours

Instructional Program (CIP)

Medical/Clinical Assistant. 510801


A. Course Objective: Description: To develop in students the personal traits and professional skills needed to perform as competent entry-level Medical Assistants. The program provides students with knowledge of anatomy and physiology, routine laboratory procedures, and patient care procedures commonly performed in medical offices. Competencies to be achieved: Office Management. Introduction to Insurance and Coding. Business Writing and EHR. Examination Techniques. Clinical Aspects of Coding and Billing. Surgical Procedures. Pharmacology. Medical Office Laboratory Procedures. Medical Office Lab Procedures. Medical Specialty Procedures.
B. Total Cost of Program (include all costs to student including testing, licensure):
$14,478 / $14,954 (hybrid)
C. Provide a list of all books required for the program (even if cost of books is included in tuition):
Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider Manual (2020 AHA Guidelines),2020,aed,print,20-1102
Career Prep,5E,j&b,print,9781284297393
College Success,3.0.1,fw,print,9798887940977
Heartsaver© First Aid Student Workbook (2020 AHA Guidelines),2020,aed,wkbk,20-1128
CPT 2024: Professional Edition ,2024,matt,class set,9781640162846
"Buck's 2024 ICD-10-CM for Physicans, 1st Edition",2024,els,class set,9780443111822
SimChart for the Medical Office: Learning the Medical Office Workflow,2024,els,class set,9780443261848
Medical Assistant Bundle (Includes Connect Access),Custom,mh,bundle,9781265217402
SimChart for the Medical Office (LTI 1-Click Instant Access),*Listed for program cost purposes only.,,,
Stethoscope,*Listed for program cost purposes only.,,,
Dynabook Satellite C40-K,,micro,laptop,Laptop (Dynabook)
D. WIOA Contact for Enrollment Status /Credential Verification:
Name: Julie Pate
Phone number: 520-326-1600 ext. 31122
E. Direct Website link to the program:
F. Refund Policy (provide a summary if Refund policy is not listed on school website):
REFUND POLICY: Refunds are calculated on the tuition and registration fee only. No refunds will be due on textbooks, uniforms and supplies. Full refunds will be issued in the event courses/programs are discontinued. Refunds for a cancellation are made within 30 days from the date of cancellation. A cancellation fee is not charged if the applicant cancels the enrollment within 3 business days of signing an Enrollment Agreement, but prior to starting classes. 1. A student terminating training within first 10% of enrollment period is entitled to a refund of: 90% less $100 cancellation charge. 2. A student terminating training after 10% but within the first 30% of the enrollment period is entitled to a refund of 70% less $100 cancellation charge. 3. A student terminating training after 30% but at or within the first 60% of the enrollment period is entitled to a refund of 40% less $100 cancellation charge. 4. A student terminating training after 60% of the enrollment period is not entitled to a refund. p177
Credentials: Industry Recognized: NO Stackable: YES HCA degree Portable: NO
• Accredited Curriculum:YES
Accrediting Agency and link to website: ABHES
J. Credential Attainment Rate: Percentage of students in the last 24 months who obtained a postsecondary credential, or secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, during participation or within one year after exit from the training program. NA%


Program Length (Weeks)




Entrance Requirements



Pima Medical Institute - Tucson

WIOA Approved Program


Curriculum Competency Based


Training Location(s)


Local WIB


Type of Attainment:


Name of Credential

Certified Medical Assistant

Type of financial aid offered or have access to

Federal Financial Aid

Refund Policy

Prorated on time enrolled less $100 cancel fee

Is the proposed curriculum currently certified by an accrediting agency or similar national standardization program?

Yes - Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools

Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for women?


Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for men?


Cost Items

Books (Estimated)

$1,190.00 1190 for Hybrid 714 for ground

In-State Tuition


Other Fees

$265.00 Technology fee

Out-of-State/District Tuition


Registration Fee


Supplies/Materials/Hand Tools (not included in tuition)

$165.00 Uniforms

Total In-State Program Cost


Total Out-of-State Program Cost


Demand Occupation(s)

31-9092.00Medical Assistants
$17.53 per hour

Provider Status



2121 N Craycroft Rd Bldg 1, Tucson, Arizona 85712

Phone Number

(520) 326-1600

Last Updated

Mar 06, 2025


Feb 16, 2012


Nov 21, 2026

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