
Pharmacy Technician

Training Program

Credential(s) Offered

Government license

Method of Delivery

In Person

When offered

Daytime Hours, Evening Hours

Instructional Program (CIP)

Pharmacy Technician/Assistant. 510805


Objective: Description: To prepare students for entry-level employment as a pharmacy technician through development of professional skills in such areas as customer service, drug inventory management, and prescription preparation that includes training in sterile products and aseptic techniques. Total Credits: 33.5 Total Curriculum Hours: 840 Total Weeks: 36 (day)/41 (eve) Competencies: Inventory: Inventory Control and Inventory Records, Pharmacology: Indications/Contraindications, Compare and contrast various indications and contraindications for specified prescription and nonprescription medications and alternative therapies. Dose/Strength & Action Variables: Identify variables that can affect specified prescription & nonprescription medications and alternative therapies, especially with regard to dosage and action. Pharmacy Technician Duties: Data collection, Medication Orders, Billing, Special Procedures, Emergency Preparedness, and Problem-Solving. Customer Service: Appearance, Coworker and Health Care Professional Interactions, and Customer/Patient Interactions. Lab Skills: Medication Preparation, Handling, Storage, Solid Dosage Forms, Liquid Dosage Forms, Nonsterile Compounding, Sterile Compounding, and Delivery and Documentation. Computer Applications: Pharmacy Information System, New & Refill Prescriptions, Data Entry and Retrieval. Math: Application of metric, avoirdupois, apothecary, and household equivalents, Calculate drug dosages using various methods, Calculate the number of tablets or capsules that are contained in prescribed dosages, Calculate the volume of liquid per dose when the prescribed dosage is in solution form, Calculate the dose, days’ supply, and quantity to be dispensed, and identify and explain the types of situations in which various types of calculations will be necessary. Law & Ethics: Specified legal terminology relevant to pharmacy practice, and explain the importance and role of laws, regulations, policies, and professional standards in the practice setting. Fundamentals of Chemistry: Define specified terms and apply their meanings to the various chemical processes in the body. Total Cost: $17,638 (tuition: $16,147; registration fee: $150; textbooks: $911; uniforms: $165, Tech fee $265). Other associated costs not incl: Pre-clinical Tech in Training License: $72; Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Examination: $129; AZ Board of Pharmacy fingerprinting fees: $39; drug screening: $45. Books required: Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider Manual (2015 AHA Guidelines); Channing Bete Career Prep +prepU Custom (Bundle), 2nd Ed.; Wolters Kluwer Heartsaver First Aid Student Workbook (2015 AHA Guidelines); Channing Bete Drug Information Handbook, 27th Ed.; Lexicomp Pharmacy (Bundled with 4 Textbooks, Workbook, Drug Guide & Access Codes); Paradigm Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing, 7th Ed.; Wolters Kluwer Sterile Products Aseptic Techniques for the Pharmacy Technician, 2nd Ed.; Pearson Supplies required: refer to book list above (included in program cost). WIOA Contact: Erika McNeil;; (480)644-0267 Website link: Additional info: Background check requirements for licensing and background restrictions for working in occupation: Proof of legal residency & DOB. Fingerprint Clearance Card and Drug Screen. Other requirements: high school diploma or GED; score min.of 60% on math exam. Grads granted a certificate. Proof of passing the PTCB exam for licensure requirements. REFUND POLICY: Refunds are calculated on the tuition and registration fee only. No refunds will be due on textbooks, uniforms and supplies. Full refunds will be issued in the event courses/programs are discontinued. Refunds for a cancellation are made within 30 days from the date of cancellation. A cancellation fee is not charged if the applicant cancels the enrollment within 3 business days of signing an Enrollment Agreement, but prior to starting classes. Terms within first 10% of the enrollment period is entitled to a refund of: 90% less $100 cancellation fee; Terms after 10% but within the first 30% of the enrollment period is entitled to a refund of 70% less $100 cancellation fee; Terms after 30% but within the first 60% of the enrollment period is entitled to a refund of 40% less $100 cancellation fee; Terms after 60% of the enrollment period is not entitled to a refund. Credentials: Industry Recognized: Yes; Nationally Recognized Industry Association or Organization: Pharmacy Technician Certification Board and National Pharmacy Technician Association. Stackable: Yes; Career Pathway: Health Care Administration (HCA) Degree. Portable: Yes, Can work in a variety of settings and eligible to apply for licensure/certification in other states. Accredited Curriculum: Yes; Accrediting Agency and link to website: ABHES; Credential Attainment Rate: 93%.

Refund Policy link:



Program Length (Weeks)




Entrance Requirements

High School Diploma or Equivalent


Pima Medical Institute - Mesa

WIOA Approved Program


Curriculum Competency Based


Training Location(s)

Mesa Campus - 957 S. Dobson Rd.

Local WIB

7 - ARIZONA@WORK - Maricopa County

Type of Attainment:


Name of Credential

Pharmacy Technician License

Type of financial aid offered or have access to

Federal Financial Aid-Title IV Funding.

Refund Policy

Refer to Program Synopsis

Is the proposed curriculum currently certified by an accrediting agency or similar national standardization program?

Yes - Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools

Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for women?


Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for men?


Cost Items

Books (Estimated)


In-State Tuition


Out-of-State/District Tuition


Registration Fee


Supplies/Materials/Hand Tools (not included in tuition)

$430.00 Uniform and Technology Fee

Total In-State Program Cost


Total Out-of-State Program Cost


Demand Occupation(s)

29-2052.00Pharmacy Technicians
$19.30 per hour
Required Certification: Pharmacy Tech Certification Board

Provider Status



957 S Dobson Rd, Mesa, Arizona 85202

Phone Number

(480) 644-0267

Last Updated

Mar 11, 2025


Feb 16, 2012


Jan 25, 2023

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