
Automotive Technology – Certificate (CERT.AUTOT)

Training Program

Credential(s) Offered

Industry certification, IHE Certificate of Completion

Method of Delivery

In Person

When offered

Daytime Hours, Evening Hours

Instructional Program (CIP)

Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician. 470604


Automotive Technology Certificate
A. Program Objective: Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in automotive technology that will prepare them to obtain an entry-level position within the field.

Description: Successful completion of the required courses for this certificate signifies to potential or current employers that the student has completed the steps necessary in obtaining an entry level position as a general or specialized technician. Student will be able to apply for and take the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification examinations.

Competencies to be achieved:
AUT-101 Theory of Engine Operation (4 cr.)
AUT-120 Automotive Suspension (6 cr.)
AUT-125 Automotive Brakes (4 cr.)
AUT-133 Automotive Power Trains (3 cr.)
AUT-200 Automotive Electrical Systems (6 cr.)
AUT-209 Auto Engine Performance and Diagnosis (5 cr.)
AUT-215 Automotive Computer Testing (3 cr.)
AUT-220 Automotive Hybrid Fundamentals (2 cr.)
AUT-252 Automotive Air Conditioning Systems (4 cr.)
Other Department Requirements: (Choose one) (3 credits):
AUT-100 Basic Service and Systems (3 cr.)
AUT-211 Automotive Emission Control Systems (3 cr.)
AUT-135 Automatic Transmissions (5 cr.)
AUT-261 Special Projects (3 cr.)
TEC-165 Employee and Occupational Safety (3 cr.)

B. Total Cost of Program (include all costs to student including testing, licensure):

In-state: $4,862.97

Out-of-state: $6742.97


In-state tuition: $3,880.00 ($97/credit hour for 40 credit hours)

Out-of-state tuition: $5760.00 ($144/credit hour)


Course Fees:

AUT-252: $75.00

TEC-165: $84.00

Books: $599.97
Technology Fee:  $200 ($5 per credit hour)
Bus Fee: $24.00 ($6 per semester, Fall/Spring only)

C. Provide a list of all books required for the program (even if cost of books is included in tuition):
All Automotive Courses use Cengage Unlimited
Cengage Unlimited: $199.99 (12 month/ First Year) (ISBN: 9780357700013)
Cengage Unlimited: $199.99 (12 month/ Second Year)  (ISBN: 9780357700013)
Hardback Textbook Rentals: $79.99 (10 courses, $7.99/ book S&H for rental) *Optional: May not be available for all books
TEC 165: Field Safety 2nd Edition NCCER $120.00 (9780133402452)

D. Provide a list of all supplies required for the program (even if costs are included in tuition):
Industry/ Professional attire including boots and PPE

E. WIOA Contact for Enrollment Status /Credential Verification:
Name: Michael Murphy, Professor of Automotive
Phone number: (928) 344-7569

F. Direct Website link to the program:

G. Additional information:
• Background check requirements for licensing and background restrictions for working in the occupation: N/A

• Other requirements needed: N/A

H. Refund Policy (provide a summary if Refund policy is not listed on school website):

I. Credentials: (The following questions must be answered along with a supporting explanation for each)
• Industry Recognized: (Developed and offered by, or endorsed by a nationally-recognized industry association or organization representing a sizeable portion of the industry sector)
Yes or No: Yes
Nationally Recognized Industry Association or Organization: NATEF, National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation

• Stackable: (Part of a sequence of credentials)
Yes or No: Yes
Career Pathway: AAS Automotive Technology

• Portable: (Recognized in other geographical areas; by other educational institutions; or by other industries/companies)
Yes or No (Explain): Yes, NATEF nationally recognized

• Accredited Curriculum: (This is referring to the course being accredited, not the test or school)
Yes or No: Yes
Accrediting Agency and link to website: Higher Learning Commission,

J. Credential Attainment Rate: Percentage of students in the last 24 months who obtained a postsecondary credential, or secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, during participation or within one year after exit from the training program.

4% earned occupational certificate (reported on 6-19-23)


Program Length (Weeks)




Entrance Requirements



Arizona Western College

WIOA Approved Program


Curriculum Competency Based


Training Location(s)

2020 S Avenue 8 E

Local WIB

9 - ARIZONA@WORK - Yuma County

Type of Attainment:


Name of Credential

Automotive Technology

Type of financial aid offered or have access to

Pell Grant

Refund Policy


Is the proposed curriculum currently certified by an accrediting agency or similar national standardization program?

Yes - Higher Learning Commission & NATEF

Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for women?


Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for men?


Cost Items

Books (Estimated)

$599.97 Costs provided are estimates and subject to change

In-State Tuition

$3,880.00 Costs provided are estimates and subject to change

Other Fees

$224.00 6.00 Bus pass per semester, Fall/Spring only. Technology fee $5 per credit hour.

Out-of-State/District Tuition

$5,760.00 Costs provided are estimates and subject to change

Registration Fee

$159.00 AUT 252 course, TEC 165 Course

Total In-State Program Cost


Total Out-of-State Program Cost


Demand Occupation(s)

49-3023.00Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics
$14.78 per hour
Required Certification: Will lead to the Automotive Service Excellence Cer

Provider Status



2020 S. Ave 8E, Yuma, Arizona 85365

Phone Number

(928) 317-6339

Fax Number

(928) 317-6048

Web Address

Last Updated

Mar 11, 2025


Feb 14, 2013


Mar 11, 2027

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