
Project Management Professional (PMP) Exam Prep (Live)

Training Program

Credential(s) Offered

Industry certification, Employment, Measurable Skill Gain Leading to a Credential

Method of Delivery

Hybrid or blended

When offered

Daytime Hours, Evening Hours, Weekends

Instructional Program (CIP)

Project Management. 520211


A. Course Objective: Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification

Course Overview: The Project Management Institute (PMI) Project Management Professional (PMP®) credential is the most important industry-recognized certification for project managers. This course will provide the student with training and support to take and pass the PMP exam. A variety of learning tools, including practice questions, exam preparation study guides, and concept review will be used to prepare students to take the exam.

This 40-hour course also fulfills PMI requirements for 35 hours of formal project management training prior to taking the PMP Exam.

Please note: This is an intensive week-long instructor-led course. Depending on the session selected, the course may be delivered in a live online format (via Zoom or similar video conferencing tool) or in-person (in Sierra Vista, Tucson or another location). Please check the course page to confirm delivery format and location:

The training programs are offered STATEWIDE. 

Learn More:

Total Course Hours: 40

Total Weeks: 1

Course provided by: University of Arizona Continuing & Professional Education

Competencies to be achieved: certificate of completion from the University of Arizona office of Continuing & Professional Education and certification through Project Management Institute

B. Total Cost of Program (include all costs to student including testing, licensure):

Tuition: $2,495 (includes textbooks)

PMP Exam: Cost of the exam is not included in tuition, and the exam cannot be purchased through the University of Arizona Continuing & Professional Education. As of April 2022, the cost of the PMP Exam was $405 for PMI members and $555 for non-members. Please see the PMI website for additional information regarding the exam:

C. Provide a list of all books required for the program (even if cost of books is included in tuition):

Cost of a project management textbook and the PMI PMBOK is included in tuition.

D. Provide a list of all supplies required for the program (even if costs are included in tuition): none

Technology Requirements –

To participate in live online courses, students must have access to a computer that is capable of running Zoom, WebEx or other video conferencing software, for the duration of the course.

E. WIOA Contact for Enrollment Status /Credential Verification:

Name: Jo Ann Sanders


Phone number: 520.626.5091

F. Direct Website link to the program:

G. Additional information:

Other Requirements: Exam candidates must apply and be approved by PMI prior to taking the PMP exam. PMI requires exam candidates to have a combination of education and work experience. Please see the PMI website for certification requirements:

Background Check Requirements: Specific employers or roles may require a pre-employment background check.

H. Refund Policy:

I. Credentials:

  • Industry Recognized: Yes

Nationally Recognized Industry Association or Organization:

  • Stackable (Part of a sequence of credentials): Yes – PMP is designed for experienced project managers (New project managers can earn the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) certification from PMI). PMP certification also fulfills prerequisites for additional PMI certifications.

  • Career Pathway: Project Manager

  • Portable (Recognized in other geographical areas; by other educational institutions; or by other industries/companies): Yes – Nationally recognized

  • Accredited Curriculum: (This is referring to the course being accredited, not the test or school): No

J. Credential Attainment Rate:
Percentage of students in the last 24 months who obtained a postsecondary
credential during WIOA program participation or within one year after exit from WIOA


Program Length (Weeks)




Entrance Requirements



University of Arizona Continuing & Professional Education

WIOA Approved Program


Training Location(s)

1955 E 6th Street

Local WIB


Type of Attainment:

Certificate of completion

Name of Credential

Project Management Professional (PMP)

Type of financial aid offered or have access to

See Financial Assistance FAQs:

Refund Policy

Is the proposed curriculum currently certified by an accrediting agency or similar national standardization program?


Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for women?


Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for men?


Cost Items

In-State Tuition


Out-of-State/District Tuition


Total In-State Program Cost


Total Out-of-State Program Cost


Demand Occupation(s)

15-1299.09Information Technology Project Managers
$15.91 per hour
Required Certification: PMI Certification
13-1111.00Management Analysts
$16.09 per hour
Required Certification: PMI Certification

Provider Status



1600 E Idea Lane, Tucson, Arizona 85713

Phone Number

(520) 626-5091

Last Updated

Feb 07, 2025


Aug 15, 2014


Feb 07, 2027

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