
Microsoft Office Specialist - Word CE F2F

Training Program

Credential(s) Offered

Industry certification, Employment

Method of Delivery

Hybrid or blended

When offered

Daytime Hours, Evening Hours

Instructional Program (CIP)

Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other. 529999


Program Objective: A Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification validates proficiency with Microsoft Office programs, demonstrating you can meet globally recognized performance standards. The Microsoft Office Specialist is ideal for the individual considering a career in Office Administration, Operational Support, or an individual looking to increase their current skillset.

Description: Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification provides industry-leading assessments of skills and knowledge, giving students and professionals real-world exercises to appraise their understanding of Microsoft Office.

By course completion, you will be fully prepared to take the MOS Word 2019 certification exam.

Competencies to be achieved:

    • Navigate within documents

    • Format documents

    • Save and share documents

    • Inspect documents for issues

    • Insert text and paragraphs

    • Format text and paragraphs

    • Create and configure document sections

    • Create tables

    • Modify tables

    • Create and modify lists

    • Create and manage reference elements

    • Create and manage reference tables

    • Insert illustrations and text boxes

    • Format illustrations and text boxes

    • Add text to graphic elements

    • Modify graphic elements

    • Add and manage comments

    • Manage change tracking

 Total Cost of Program (include all costs to student including testing, licensure): $950.00

    • Tuition: $700

    • Book: $50

    • Testing: $200

Provide a list of all books required for the program (even if cost of books is included in tuition):

  • Word 2019 Complete ($50.00)

Provide a list of all supplies required for the program (even if costs are included in tuition):

      • N/A

WIOA Contact for Enrollment Status /Credential Verification:

  • Name: Jennifer Ericson

  • Email:

  • Phone number: 928-317-7674

Direct Website link to the program:

Additional information: N/A

Refund Policy (provide a summary if Refund policy is not listed on school website):

Refund/Cancellation Policy: A 100% refund will be granted if a request is made 2 working days prior to the start of class. A 50% refund will be issued if notice is received less than 2 business days prior to class. No refunds will be issued after the first day of class. If a class is canceled due to low registration we will contact you 2 working days prior.


Credentials: (The following questions must be answered along with a supporting explanation for each)

  • Industry Recognized: (Developed and offered by, or endorsed by a nationally-recognized industry association or organization representing a sizeable portion of the industry sector):

    • Yes – MOS is a globally recognized credential utilized in many of today’s diverse business environments.

  • Stackable: (Part of a sequence of credentials):

    • Yes. Career Pathway: All the Microsoft Office programs are stackable to create the Microsoft Office Specialist Associate Certification which demonstrates skills in Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint. 

  • Portable: (Recognized in other geographical areas; by other educational institutions; or by other industries/companies):

    • Yes, Microsoft Office Specialist Certifications are recognized nationwide.

  • Accredited Curriculum: (This is referring to the course being accredited, not the test or school):

    • Yes, Certiport

    • Link to Accrediting Website: Certiport

Credential Attainment Rate: Percentage of students in the last 24 months who obtained a postsecondary credential, or secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, during participation or within one year after exit from the training program. 0


Program Length (Weeks)




Entrance Requirements



Arizona Western College

WIOA Approved Program


Curriculum Competency Based


Training Location(s)

Arizona Western College, 1351 S. Redondo Center Dr., Yuma, AZ 85365

Local WIB

9 - ARIZONA@WORK - Yuma County

Name of Credential

Microsoft Office Specialist Word 2019 Associate

Type of financial aid offered or have access to

Financial Assistance is available for this course through AZ@Work and the Quest Grant. 

Refund Policy

Is the proposed curriculum currently certified by an accrediting agency or similar national standardization program?

Yes - Certiport

Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for women?


Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for men?


Cost Items

Books (Estimated)

$50.00 Word 2019 Complete Product Code: Word2019-A1-R10-

Testing/Exam Fees


In-State Tuition


Total In-State Program Cost


Demand Occupation(s)

43-1011.00First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers
$17.35 per hour
Required Certification: Microsoft Office Specialist - Word Associate
43-9061.00Office Clerks, General
$13.85 per hour
Required Certification: Microsoft Office Specialist - Word Associate

Provider Status



2020 S. Ave 8E, Yuma, Arizona 85365

Phone Number

(928) 317-6339

Fax Number

(928) 317-6048

Web Address

Last Updated

Feb 27, 2025


Aug 23, 2018


Feb 27, 2027

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