
Automotive Technology Certificate (ASE credential)

Training Program

Credential(s) Offered

Industry certification

Method of Delivery

In Person

When offered

Daytime Hours, Evening Hours, Other

Instructional Program (CIP)

Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Technology/Technician, General. 470600


A. Course Objective: To prepare students for entry level positions in the automotive service industry.

Description: The Automotive Technology Certificate program is designed to help aspiring technicians prepare for a productive career in the automotive industry. Students will learn shop safety awareness and develop the basic technical foundation and skills to repair, service and maintain automobiles for an entry-level automotive service technician and prepare for the ASE – G1 Auto Maintenance and Light Repair certification.

Competencies to be achieved:

Upon completion of this certificate program, students will:

  1. Understand the importance of shop safety;

  2. Understand the importance of customer service;

  3. Gain working knowledge of automotive systems;

  4. Gain working knowledge of maintenance procedures; and,

  5. Gain techniques in diagnosing problems associated with automotive systems.

B. Total Cost of Program (include all costs to student including testing, licensure):  In-state: $4,445.00.  Out of state: $12,920.00.

C. Provide a list of all books required for the program (even if cost of books is included in tuition): BDL MODERN AUTO TECH TX/CCK2

D. Provide a list of all supplies required for the program (even if costs are included in tuition).  $15.00 Safety Goggles


E. WIOA Contact for Enrollment Status /Credential Verification:

Name: Naomi Yazzie-Sloan


Phone number: 928-526-7652


F.  Direct Website link to the program:


G.  Additional information:

  • Background check requirements for licensing and background restrictions for working in the occupation: No background check required.

  • Other requirements needed: none.


H.  Refund Policy (provide a summary if Refund policy is not listed on school website):


I.  Credentials: (The following questions must be answered along with a supporting explanation for each)

--Industry Recognized: (Developed and offered by, or endorsed by a nationally-recognized industry association or organization representing a sizeable portion of the industry sector)

Yes or No: YES

Nationally Recognized Industry Association or Organization: ASE (Automotive Service Excellence)


--Stackable: (Part of a sequence of credentials)

Yes or No: YES

Career Pathway: Students can continue to get their ASE A1-A9.


--Portable: (Recognized in other geographical areas; by other educational institutions; or by other industries/companies)

 Yes or No (Explain): Yes, this is a national certification.


--Accredited Curriculum: (This is referring to the course being accredited, not the test or school)

Yes or No: No

 Accrediting Agency and link to website: n/a

J.  Credential Attainment Rate: Percentage of students in the last 24 months who obtained a postsecondary credential, or secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, during participation or within one year after exit from the training program.

New program with no performance data.


Certificate Core Requirements: 30 credit hours

AUT 100 - Automotive Basics - 3 credit hours

AUT 101 - Automotive General Maintenance and Service - 3 credit hours

AUT 106 - Automotive Engines - 3 credit hours

AUT 107 - Automotive Engines Service and Repair - 3 credit hours

AUT 110 - Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems - 3 credit hours

AUT 120 - Automotive Brake Systems - 3 credit hours

AUT 133 - Automotive Automatic Drive Trains - 3 credit hours

AUT 136 - Automotive Manual Drive Trains - 3 credit hours

AUT 139 - Automotive Suspension and Steering - 3 credit hours

AUT 142 - Automotive Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Systems - 3 credit hours


New program no performance data.




Program Length (Weeks)




Entrance Requirements

High School Diploma or Equivalent


Coconino Community College

WIOA Approved Program


Training Location(s)

3000 N Fourth St, Flagstaff, Arizona

Local WIB

10 - ARIZONA@WORK - Coconino County

Name of Credential


Type of financial aid offered or have access to

Pell Grant, Scholarships.  

Refund Policy

Is the proposed curriculum currently certified by an accrediting agency or similar national standardization program?


Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for women?


Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for men?


Cost Items

Books (Estimated)


Testing/Exam Fees

$90.00 Includes registration fee and test fee.

In-State Tuition

$4,140.00 Specialty Course Tuition Rate Level 5 ($138 per credit hour)

Out-of-State/District Tuition

$12,615.00 Specialty Course Tuition Rate Level 5 ($420.50 per credit hour)

Supplies/Materials/Hand Tools (not included in tuition)

$15.00 Safety Goggles

Total In-State Program Cost


Total Out-of-State Program Cost


Demand Occupation(s)

49-3023.00Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics
$21.18 per hour
Required Certification: ASE G1
49-3023.00Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics
$21.18 per hour
Required Certification: ASE G1
49-3023.00Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics
$21.18 per hour
Required Certification: ASE G1
49-3023.00Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics
$21.18 per hour
Required Certification: ASE G1

Provider Status



2800 S Lone Tree Rd, Flagstaff, Arizona 86005

Phone Number

(928) 226-4254

Web Address

Last Updated

Feb 06, 2025


May 03, 2021


Jan 11, 2025

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